f6d3264842 This subreddit is a forum for people who love the Mass Effect .... you would have 2 saves that could be imported into ME3 that would be .... i imported my character from mass effect, n im almost done with my first playthrough of mass effect 2, when im done can i do a second .... I'm starting an Insanity run and wanted to use second playthrough infiltrator like the achievement tips recommend. I just finished my first .... Finishing a second time gives you the "Long Service" Badge with +5% Damage ... And if you choose "Resume Career", you start the next playthrough with all the .... 7 Apr 2014 - 23 min - Uploaded by PowerSportsMass Effect 2 is a single-player action role-playing game where the player ... 2 Gameplay .... 28 Jun 2009 ... Of course, Mass Effect 2 players can feel free to create a new character and start over. So, it appears that if you're looking to start Mass Effect 3 .... For Mass Effect 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Second playthrough bonuses".. 21 May 2013 ... 2nd Playthrough - Suggested Classes for ME2 !!! ..... I think, unlike in Mass Effect, in Mass Effect 2 unavailable dialogue options just don't get .... 28 Feb 2010 ... Mass Effect 2 is definitely worth a second or even a third playthrough. 1- Play my full Renegade character (Soldier) 2- Play my full Paragon .... 2. Thanks yx_ for your answer. The exact menu choices are as follows: From the Main Menu choose "Start New Career". Hit the "A" button to .... Going to start my second playthrough (Paragon) of Mass Effect 3 this week. Forget the suck-ass ending, THIS is what makes it worth playing again. Photo taken with iPhone. ... Mass Effect 2. Sincere outburst: I'm so up for 15 hours of.. I just finished my first playthrough of the Mass Effect series. ... I'd usually just walk a fairly gray path with my characters, but in Mass Effect 2, I don't ..... Second playthrough I stuck with FemShep, but with a different appearance.. 5 May 2013 ... Eighty-six hours went into the original Mass Effect (three playthroughs), 189 hours into Mass Effect 2 (six playthroughs), and 94 hours into Mass .... I'm usually not somebody who wants after finishing an rpg like ME2 to go back and start a second playthrough. I am usually too invested in my .... Well, it'll essentially erase your entire first playthrough of ME1. ... you restart on me1 it shouldn't matter just do 1t part of mass effect 2, then save .... 3 Feb 2014 ... I made a few “mistakes” during my first playthrough of Mass Effect 2 back .... choices on both my first and second playthroughs of Mass Effect 2.. If you play another game over again, starting at level 1, you should be able to reach level 30 this time. After you complete the game once all subsequent playthroughs get a 25% experience bonus.. 18 Mar 2010 ... I just finished my first playthrough of ME1 and am trying to decide whether to start a new character or to just continue with this character so I can .... 16 Sep 2014 ... The first time I played Mass Effect, I tried to do and say the kinds of things ... 2. New Choices: Dialogue is a big part of the way the character feels, but this ... That's what you're supposed to do on a second playthrough, right?. 27 Dec 2009 ... Although a Mass Effect 2 designer said back in June there would be "no new game plus" - a second playthrough with abilities and items earned ...
Mass Effect 2 Second Playthrough
Updated: Mar 18, 2020