About This Game COSM Worlds is a viewer that lets you zoom into any object down to the molecular level and explore the tiny alien worlds within. COSM Worlds offers both VR and non-VR experiences, for OSX and Windows.Explore structures based on real datasetsReal 3D structure data is used to visualize large molecules, DNA, and cells. We plan to add MRI, CT scans, additional cell types, and much more.Watch real-time simulationsSee molecules scan DNA to express genes, or carry sacs of molecular cargo through the cell. We’ll be adding more simulation features to pack the worlds with action.Learn more about what you seeWorlds are annotated with descriptions so you can learn more about the processes happening around you or write your own tours and use COSM to teach others.Connect tiny worlds to build a multiscale simulation of the universeAs more worlds are built, they can be connected through zooming. Together we could build a model of the entire universe! 7aa9394dea Title: C O S MGenre: Indie, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:DynamoidPublisher:DynamoidRelease Date: 3 Aug, 2016 C O S M Torrent Download [key Serial] Not enough depth or visual detail yet but could become something someday.. Great potential, bad execution and progress.The developer had grand plans for this application. I bought it mainly for its advertised possible features of uploading my own DNA or protein sequences for visualization in Virtual Reality. The postential is beyond any one's wildest dreams for us researchers. For accurate VR illustration of actual molecular genetics mechanism can help gapping the problem of scientifc research and public awareness. For example, the ability of visulization real time transcription factory assembly in nuclei will be great. However from the updated notes the developer is shifting towards high school level education, which is a huge waste for an app that do a lot more.. Pretty cool in VR it's like being inside the microscope. Vive controller support is good which wasn't clear from the video.Transition effect may be nauseating.you can choose different paths which gives a sense of explorationNeeds more content.. fantastic VR microscope. Great sense of scale. C O S M is short and lacking polish, but these are nothing to be expected from such an early release title. The concept, however, is excellent. It is a simple exploration application that brings basic cell biology to life. As it stands, the game suffers from early build graphics and a repetitive soundscape that weakens the immersion. I also found the transitions while zooming to be a bit jarring. But for lifelong learners or people with middle school aged kids, this is a nice little addition to the VR library. I will definitely be following updates to this title with interest and am looking forward to the finished product.
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Updated: Mar 18, 2020